Last straw to solid rock

Christ ,the solid rock I stand,

All other ground is sinking sand.

It has been a topsy-turvy year. Lots of twist and turns and bumps and slides and slips. But here I still stand , survivor of the storm.

When I was young , life was quite uneventful and easy. I used to wish for a challenging life , something like a storm against which I would walk. I assumed that I would (so obviously) not only survive it but I would easily beat down the storm.

But when shit hit the fan (literally) and that powerful cover of parent’s protection was removed just a little, man-oh-man, I found myself sinking so fast, that my flapping around didn’t help much.I found out that the more I struggled, the more I sank. I found out that I wasn’t so strong after all. I found out a lot of things about me which I didn’t know or which I ignored to see till then.

But then, I also found things to hold on. Like a drowning man trying to cling on the last straw, I found God. But, it was me who turned God into the last straw. He could have been my refuge, my shelter, my Shepherd, my solid Rock, my shield , my everything, but here I was holding him as a last straw.

But the awesome thing about this is , the last straw didn’t break but it pulled me to help me stand on the solid rock. It didn’t force me to stand, it helped me. It strengthened me, it empowered me, it brought out the best in me. Even when everything around me was sinking fast , I knew I wouldn’t go down anymore because now I was standing on the solid Rock.

(That was a lot of “buts”)

What I wanted to say is, I fell this year . I fell many times over and over but I was picked up again and again by a God who became man for me and died for me because he wanted to pick me up from the miry clay and wanted to put me up on the rock to stay. And now Jesus, he is my Rock and he won’t let me slip, he is my refuge, my savior on whom I completely trust. He is not a religion to me , he never was and never will be. He is my Abba Father, he is my brother, he is my friend, he is my soulmate.

My fairytale

I love fairy tales because fairy tales have happy endings ! And I want one for me too. Everyone deserves a fairytale ending .
If I ever get lost ,
remind me of the fairy tale I always speak about. I know I will change , and I know I have changed but never will the fairy tale be lost which I from my childhood have sought.
When all hope is lost and I am dejected. When the sun goes down and its night time and you find me brooding over some regret in the past, then remind me of the stars that twinkle and the moon that shines, remind me that all is not over yet.
If you play a part in my tale , then remind me now and again , that this tale is no ordinary tale but its a fairy tale and all fairy tales have happy endings. And that I can have one too.

The silent wail

Is the little boy praying, the head bowed and the knee bent. The water sloshing on his chest must be cold and icy. Why isn’t he shivering? Why isn’t he heaving?
There is no cry for help to be heard. This voice cannot be heard by the humans. This wail, is to God, with unmoving lips and a peaceful heart. The blood has lost its warmth, the skin has lost its colour.
Did he pray for his dad or did he pray for his mom or was it the two months old baby on this painless prayer? or did he grow old enough to pray for his own life ? Was he old enough to crave for his oppressors’s life?
Did his washed up body lying on the shore move you to think of your ways? Was it dead enough to redefine how you spend your pays? What are you going to do ? Are you praying too ?

I am twenty

Most days I fail, but some days I succeed. Everyday I want,but some days I need.
When I crumble, like the bread’s crust, my life crackles and all that’s left is trust.
To trust me when I let them down, to believe once again in the seed they’ve sown.
Believe me if you can, I’m not yet a man.
I’m merely a boy of twenty, there’s still life left aplenty.
There’s a lot of life to live, a lot of love to give.
I am a hopeless hopeful, your love makes my life “so full” .

The hidden visage

The way she looked didn’t tell her story, but her beauty was penned down in her story! Each sentence speaking about her, the real girl, hidden beneath the mask she wore each day. Beneath all the visage, she could be found if someone would take the time to peel it off. Her real beauty could be found, like gold found beneath the earth’s crust, waiting to be brought into being.

Hopeless hopeful

I am a hopeless hopeful,
Longing for the kingdom far away.
Where fairies are real, and angels have wings,
No creature can ever, be sad and have black eye rings.
Where love is pure and lust is absent,
And no one in the world has to explain what they meant.
A place where I can love everyone and no one is jealous,
And no one is there to bind us or compel us !
I am a hopeless hopeful!

Dis- agreeing your generalization of religions

@RamJethmalani5 Sir, I dis-agree with your statement that “No prophet of any religion had even imagined of man landing on the moon or the nuclear bomb, modern medicine and surgery.”
1. Bible gives a definite answer of man landing on the moon in Obadiah- verse 4 “Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down,” declares the LORD.”

2. About nuclear bomb – 2Peter 3:12 says – “as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.[a] That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.”

3. About surgery and anesthesia – Genesis 2:22 says – So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.

And so on.

Bible correctly analyses the present happenings and moves to a definite direction.



I first hosted Byron during March when he wrote FIGHTING BACK for my bully series.  This month he wrote a post that Megsanity and a few other high profile bloggers helped get in front of nearly 35,000 people.  It is an important message about the flexibility of the human spirit.

It’s much more than that though. It’s about making choices. It’s about choosing to continue the cycle of abuse, or choosing instead to become a champion for love.

A lot of people raised with violence commit violent crimes themselves. They often end up going to jail, or terrorizing their families. But what is it that makes those who come from abused homes decide against the violence? What makes them choose the path of good?

I believe many victims learn to hide their abuse. Others justify their abusers, or never truly admit to themselves that they were abused at all.


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I wanna end up just like him/her!

“I wanna end up just like him.”
When we see someone excelling in a field, our class mate who is just awesome with everything, a celebrity or our boss or someone we idolize. We just say “I wanna be like him/her”.
I also was someone like you. I wanted to be a superstar, date beautiful models, have a ton of money. I used to dream how life would be so amazing. Until . . . . . .
I had a second thought which was like this –
All these super, famous personalities, do they even have a private life without people prying about it ? ( Not that people don’t put their noses in our business , but MAN this is mass scale example – the whole nation )
I can roam around the streets with no one stalking or following me, but if Amber Heard or Vanessa Hudgens would think that they want to roam around the street, Hell would break loose. ( I personally would go and ask them to give autographs and would simply die to have a picture with them )
I don’t think I would want a bodyguard with me when I go to eat “golgappe”. I know, I know neither would you.
PS – That doesn’t mean I want to live in poverty or not become famous among my friends . I wouldn’t mind becoming Bruce Wayne ( not batman ) though !


You live and teach or you teach by living. Either you do mistakes and let people know the consequences of the mistakes or you live a perfect life by not doing those mistakes and teaching how to live without doing those mistakes. Doesn’t makes sense sometimes and its really very confusing. Think and live or Live then regret ? Just think and then live without any regrets but then that’s called playing safe and you won’t have anything to talk about. “If you don’t do anything stupid when you are young, you won’t remember anything funny when you are old” and then you will regret not being more stupid when you were young.92c02c_person_lost_at_crossroads_300